J: If you could travel back in time – which period would you choose in regards to art/design? Which historical figure would you like to meet in person?
T: Can I bring my current environment with me?
If not, then I'm more interested in the present and what I can do now.
I am not interested in going back in time but if it could be as the person that I am today and what I know now, it would be pretty interesting.
At the same time though it might be a threat to me in the past ... (Laughter)
J: What are you working on right now?
T: Holding collections twice a year and making line sheets for them.
The posters for our 'MARVELS' project.
A website and the Philosophy Zine.
Product designs for VANS.
Direction for a couple of brands and shops.
J: What is on your to-do list for the next seven days?
T: Continue working on the projects that I've got on.
J: What is your 'dream' project in regards of design (product or graphics)?
T: I notice many things and I would like to work on anything where my thoughts and experience might be beneficial.