J: Where does your fascination with military/utility apparel originate from? Do you remember the first piece that you got your hands on? Please describe this piece briefly and what it meant to you and your involvement with clothing today.
T: I'm not 100% sure but I think the first item I got was a pair of six pocket BDU pants.
What I like about military apparel is that it is rough, cheap, yet still very functional. Parts are placed exactly where they need to be and the design is kept very minimal. I can't bring all these tastes into what I design for WTAPS. It is not only because it doesn't make sense but it is so far from what I have been trying to do with WTAPS. Even if I am inspired by military apparel I never try to replicate it. I only reference it to get ideas. It's the same with everything.
J: Craft With Pride is the statement that in short describes WTAPS' philosophy. In a few sentences, what does it stand for and how does this concept translate in the design and manufacture of your apparel lines?
T: Craft With Pride. That is the philosophy that I think all creators should have.
At least it is a philosophy that everyone at WTAPS carries.
You won't be able to be creative unless you possess a philosophy and it's almost like our motto by which we stand.
It's not that far off from WTAPS' philosophy.
For a long time there have been master craftsmen in Japan that are called 'MIYA-DAIKU'. They are professional carpenters who generally do work for temples and shrines. They are highly skilled and known for making full use of each piece of wood. For example, if they see a gnarled or imperfect piece of wood, they are able to see it's full potential instead of seeing it as a defect and throwing it away.
There is a teaching among the MIYA-DAIKU that says, 'If there are 100 carpenters then there must be 100 different ideas. If you are capable of putting them together to come up with one solution then you have the ability to be a leader. If you cannot, then you should humbly resign from your post.'
If you are good leader and you try to do something incredible, then you will need to have great subordinates. The more able and imaginative men you have working under you, the better and more ideas you will have. If you cannot put everyone's thoughts together, you won't end up with a good result and should be disqualified as a leader.
You should respect everyone's ability and each role is extremely important. As a leader you need to be capable of placing things in the right place and giving people the right tasks for them to accomplish.
"Placing things where they should be." - This is my philosophy as well as WTAPS brand philosophy. |