I also think that I have been focusing more on music. Also with my
associations has meant I haven't really needed to, I suppose
that when you're with APE, and all those relationships. I think
I just got to the point where I looked and thought I'm really
just associated with other people, and not really doing my own thing.
Now I want to get back to trying to do my own thing.
And I think that after Mo' Wax there's this slight fear,
and hesitance.
Not surprising, as you went so far so quickly,
and then it turned into 'let's pick on James week'
JL: I got quite nervous about putting myself in the firing line again.
I've found the last few years incredibly negative, and I suppose
for me that feeling of being at an age where I could escape from all
that stuff really.
Earn, your store ambush is already well established.
What was your motivation to start 'anew' with SURRENDER ?
EC: Well, I have been running Ambush for the past 4 years. To be honest,
I was quite bored of retail and thought going into my own production
would be the next level. I have always wanted to start my own label
since day 1 of ambush. However, I had no direction or inspiration
to do so. Until I met James, he had this vision. To me that was a
direction, the calling.
As two partners - who is doing what for SURRENDER ?
JL: For me it's more about the design and the aesthetic of what
we're trying to do. It's not meant to be a James Lavelle
shop - we've done this project as a collaboration. It's
important that what we do is something that is culturally relevant
to what's going on in their environment. We started off by making
it an UNKLE associated thing, but we're not really basing it
on that for the future.