The Characters

How do your characters feel about being portrayed (naked)?
We might as well complain to god that our souls have been ‘portrayed’ in human form! I suppose a lot of us do rail against god for giving us thin lips or big bums or whatever the problem is.

I think my characters are unaware that they are being ‘portrayed’, as we are in real life. I am god and creator of my own tiny universe in the same way that a writer invents his characters. I hope my people are happy enough to be born at all. I don’t torture or murder them like writers do, at least not yet. I certainly invest them with as much time, care and love as I can, and I always want them to be beautiful. A friend once said that she thought I revealed my feelings of disgust at the human body in my work. I was quite shocked by this because the opposite is the case, and even if my figures are somewhat distorted I always want them to be sexy and beautiful. It just shows how open to interpretation art is, even when you think your intention is perfectly clear.

Of course all an artist’s work really reveals is themselves, which can be quite embarrassing, especially showing work to older family members, one of whom described my work as ‘repulsive’.

Would Swinging Screamer get along with a Be@rbrick?
I’d hope the Screamer would land with a stinging slap on Be@rbrick’s shoulders, wrestle that priggish little bear to the ground and give his furry behind a right royal seeing to.