What makes you really angry, and conversely what makes you happy at the moment ?

JL: My daughter makes me happy, and meeting interesting people always makes me happy. What makes me angry? The past sometimes makes me angry...

And in terms of Mo'Wax ?

JL: think I make myself angry, because I never really... maybe I didn't take where I could have, but I don't think I would have been capable of it. Politics makes me angry.

The state of Politics in the UK? You were very vocal on your anti-war stance ?
JL: Yeah I was, I think it was terrible.
JL: I think this Country makes me angry because its financially retarded. I don't see why it has to be so expensive, and I find that mind blowing and I think it's sad. I think the way we are in the world is sad in that way.
My daughter is someone who makes me happy, Politics and the way we are in the world making me angry is more important that worrying about press, or the past or whatever, but you can't help yourself.

How do you feel about the overt Americanisation of the UK ?

JL: It's just a lack of individuality that I find sad, but I think things will come and I think things will change. Things are cyclical, and things will change - good things will happen, and you have to embrace that. You can only hope that things will change.