last week saw the season re-opening of supreme. this meant long
lines but not long faces. this new collection is a highlight with
a variety of excellent pieces: nwa t-shirt, 'exploited' punk t-shirt,
graphics on t-shirts and hats by ramm:ell:zee, great new patterns
on caps, one of the best back-packs, and - listen to this - the
return of the box logo tee. we wish you all the best in hunting
down these pieces, but please remember this: go for the re-tail
not the re-sale!
here it is
fatlace keep us glued to the screen with their pics of the upcoming
nikes. they just updated with the soled out/laced up highlights.
and yes, this is a case of emergency, you need to pull the oxygen
mask to your face and then breathe heavyily... but don't hyperventilate:
geoff mcfetridge dunk, new splatter dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk. the
shoe is close to dying out there. but at least it's a beautiful
thanks to fatlace |
31 |
we had a post on nyc lase a little while ago. now he's back with
'clash of the titans'. he's bringing big names to mccaig-welles
gallery in brooklyn, starting april 4th and running until april
28th. who the big names are tells you the flyer. it also shows you
who else is involved and gives you a bit of an idea of what to expect
- and remember, these names hardly ever disappoint! stay tuned for
even more on nyc lase...
the flyer
| more info
we're not known for blowing second-hand smoke into people's faces
but with this we need to make an exception. friday and saturday
are booked, for you, period. friday starts with soled out - the
event which had brought sneaker heads and headrettes to l.a. last
fall. on display at the sneaker bar were brand new models and colors
like the splatters, jb x true sf, etc. who can guess what they'll
have this time? after that it's laced up on saturday organized by
the fine people at fatlace and blufizz. they give away goodies from
staple, recon, jb, fixins, savier, and asics. book your flights
what have we here?
| what have they here?
| and here? |
27 |
we just came back from toy-hunting and found this: the clear baby
raggamuffin. you all have seen the regulars maybe and heard of the
clear version. it's limited to 50 pieces worldwide. designed and
produced by 360 toygroup. but - again - this might not be new to
you toyheads out there. maybe this is: ningyoushi has them... 3...2...1...go!
it takes 1
sec. | shop here |
26 |
michael lau exhibition 3 gardener crazysmiles. that's the title
and there isn't really much to say about this, other than: it's
the first time that you will see this in europe. and there is no
way you can miss it. in 2001 lau added james lavelle and futura
to the 99 gardeners. in 2002 he did another figure - hardy blechman.
the figure represents hardy in a headstand posture wearing 1:6 scale
bonsai forest camouflage gear. people who go might be able to pick
up one of the posters or ltd. figures. the date: march 28th until
april 26th.
see the figure
| visit gardenergala
| visit maharishi
on a regular basis, it seems, australia is bringing us new companies
that produce fresh graphics on garments. we just heard about seven
nine and thought - 'ok, another one, let's see'. and what we saw
was... excellent? is that the right word? yes, but we're looking
for something bigger here. a term which could describe the following:
great website to begin with, audio - a+, visuals in general - way-above-average,
t-shirts - yes please!. youknowwhatwemean?
see this now
| go here after
we'll write this bit in 60 seconds... it's about a project that
incorporates music and visuals and there are tons of people involved.
you can be part of it as well. check the site, check the sounds
and graphics and see if you can come up with something similar/better/etc..
go there within the next 60 seconds!
stay for more than 60s
25 |
here they are, the new decks by the german skateboard manufacturer
hessenmob. this time, in an endless effort, they were able to score
designs by these well-known visual conceptionists: kid acne, dave
kinsey, and nago richardis. the latter could be one of our all-time
favourites in skateboard graphics for '03, even though the year
is not even 3 months old! the mob is there for you, always!
the decks
| the mob
even more from hessenmob... the mobernists are currently preparing
their new garments for fall/winter '03 and they are giving artists/designers
a chance to participate. what they are looking for are 3 designs
(per artist) for patches that will appear on ltd. edition jackets
(patches will vary on every jacket). there are 4 different formats
to chose from - only one of the 3 can be a free shape. when designing,
keep these 2 themes in mind (3rd design is free): one patch = 'mob
steady', one patch = 'love skateboarding. hate skateboarding'. if
you have questions, or ideas, or anything to say, contact hessenmob
now or later.
the formats
| contact hm
19 |
you might say that the whole 'monogram period' is long over. but
this spring you should take notice of a new approach to it. louis
vuitton has just released a set of bags and accessories which feature
variations of the original pattern designed by takashi - the guy
with the eyes - murakami. parallel to the launch of this range lv
has set up a neat flash site with lots of 'super-cutie' graphics,
an interview with murakami, a short biography with pics of some
of his work, and - sure enough - the products. no monograms, no
lv, no murakami for you? it's an investment. reconsider!
look here
| go there |
17 |
prahran, melbourne is the place where our first exhibition takes
place. 'outside in' is 'a display of illicit markings - inside and
out'. that's what they tell us. but from the artwork you can see
for yourself that the title matches 150%. take schwipe for example
- their altar is definitley ill(icit). but you can also see it this
way - they needed to build this in order to be able to design their
new ltd. edition 'great satan' tee. besides schwipe you'll also
get to see work by the burn crew, ok 101 army, and wooden foundations.
did we mention that adidas had something to do with it, as well?
now we did.
the title matches
| schwipe told
shutzmarket is a store in antwerp which carries bghd relevant merchandise
- we'll tell you more about that later on. schutzmarket also supports
art. art that will probably go with your taste (from what we know
about you - our readers). from friday 21st, schutzmarket will have
work by zedz on display, who describes his work with these terms:
'graffiti architecture', 'transformer-typography', or 'mobile-type-suits'.
go to shutzmarket on zakstraat 2 on that date and send us your terms
for zedz's art.
the flyer
| shutzmarket online
14 |
the first skateboard shoes that you probably noticed in the 90s
- and hopefully also bought - were the sal barbiers in baby blue
that had a '23' at the heel. with this shoe a new era of skateshoes
began - similar to the first airwalk prototypes in the late 80s.
since that time we've seen so much mesh, plastic, bubbles, kevlar,
the most complicated lacing systems, and colorschemes that would
make pantone proud - but nothing that would shift our attention
away from nike, puma, and adias. this post is about two shoes
that should make you consider widening your horizon - again. the
first is 'cicero' by és. it takes its inspiration from
classics like the stan smith or clyde but with a more exquisite
approach to materials (ostrich) and colors. the 'lodown' - you
might have guessed - is a collaboration between etnies and lodown
boss marok. two colorschemes make two great pieces of footwear,
including exclusive lodown footbed.
on stone
| on wood
11 |
we all have been waiting for the new one true saxon gear. it's finally
shipping to the stores (japan, of course, already has it) - and
we'll give you a short overview of what to expect. by the way, they
also started a new line called 'oak standard'. three words to describe
it: english heritage chic. no matter what that means - the range
looks slick... what did you expect? our favourtie items from one
true saxon: varsity jacket, camouflage jackets, and - the japanese
will love 'em - back packs. why do they keep coming up with even-better-than-last-season's
logos & icons? other companies at least need to get a chance
to catch up...
want this?
| wait for this
| some is here
sorry folks but this month's relax seems to be japanese-only. the
main article is on... something people/kids outside japan will definitely
neither know, understand, nor have the slightest idea of what they're
talking about. this, however, would make it even more interesting
to read. if you're going to buy it - skip 10-20 pages and you'll
find some other great stuff, too. a sneak peek at the adidas x alife
attitudes, a james jarvis double page spread, and excellent photography,
good looking japanese girls, t-shirts, etc..
sample pages
our readers from the us might already know about this, but the rest
of the world also deserves to get the information. back in the fifties
a company called munsingwear introduced a line of sportswear called
'penguin'. this year, penguin is back - with an ironic advertising
campaing and some of the nicest polo-/dress-/short-sleeve shirts
out there. if you can't get enough of the penguin, there are jackets,
hats, ties, and so forth, to compelte your penguin wardrobe. the
best item in the whole range - the peng king sneaker. finally, a
fresh sneaker that could definitely rival the [...] - insert name
of over-hyped-straight-to-ebay-sneaker here.
the pics
| official site
| buy online
10 |
due to technical maintenance our server will be unavailable for
a short period. this will take place sometime between friday and
sunday this week. so, if you can't reach us - don't worry, we're
still there.
girls can skate, too! no doubt about that. and if there were any
doubts about female skaters being able to produce excellent skateboards,
cherry proves that there shouldn't be. not only are these girls
successful skaters, but they are also releasing some extremely
fresh graphics on decks and garments. please don't think of lollipop-teddybear-barbie-cliché
imagery now. cherry fuses traditional japanese art with a modern
approach to graphic design. the output is worth being added to
your collection of girl (!), chocolate, supreme, heroin, subliminal,
or zoo york decks. females who can't skate: please wear cherry
skateboard's t-shirts, since otherwise there might be no other
way to enjoy the designs outside skateparks or skatespots which
non-skating-folk hardly ever enter.
the decks
| the site
by now we shouldn't have to introduce flux magazine (from canada)
to you people. ever since they were first to give out the info
on the new kaws figures you should at least have their website
bookmarked. besides that you also need to get the printed version
of flux before they are gone. this time you'll find in it (or
on it): two seperate covers - one by stash, the other by rostarr,
an interview with invisible:man, the 'favourite tees' spread,
a lot of mhi/m. lau, the sam flores interview, a d. cheuk vs.
design is kinky bit, huf's kicks page, ... we have to stop here
it's just too much...
sample pages
| bookmark this
last month we gave you the techheadz - the turntable inspired
figures produced for breakbeat science. this month we'd like to
shift your attention to the man behind those toys. the name is
quinlando, the game is 'bufalo club'. quinlando has just finished
another ltd. item - a cushion with one of his characteristic illustrations
- 'maskot'. there's 250 of them made - to get them visit sweatyfrog.
what else ist to be expected from bufalo club? a lot - that's
all the info we're giving out now. he might tell you more on his
site, soon.
a few pics
| bufalo club
| sweaty frog
06 |
sometimes you're asking yourself 'where do all those ltd. edition
sneakers end up?'. have you ever seen anyone wear an undefeated
dunk, a stussy huarache, or a chanel pump fury? we haven't. but
what happens to all these great shoes then? most people probably
keep them hidden, at their homes, deadstock in the boxes. they
will only take them out to look, to hold them in their hands,
to admire the genious behind this certain model and colorscheme.
some people are so kind as to show their precious gems in (more
or less) public spaces. milk magazine from hong kong organized
such an event last weekend. to keep the shoes from getting dirty
(and knicked?) they were kept in plastic boxes/cubes. michael
ip took pictures which he is sharing with us. that's only half
as good as having been there - but still... thanks michael!
a new format
| at nt he is 852nikefreak
05 |
finally, after many discussions, many drafts, many phone-calls,
and searching for and finding the right printer, we're proud to
announce the release of the first (official) beinghunted t-shirt.
this colorscheme/design is limited to an edition of only 100 and
will be available exclusively through the vacant store on its world-tour.
the first 25 will be sold in nyc, the rest in the following months.
we're sorry that we couldn't provide you with photographs, but this
info is so fresh - the ink on the shirts is still wet. if in nyc,
head over to vacant to see the actual shirts. for the rest of you
- please be patient until vacant makes a stop in your city.
we're currently working on releasing the 2nd design which will be
more widely available. if you'd like to receive info on upcoming
bghd merchandise, please let us know. if there is anything you'd
like to see or if you'd like to comment on this shirt - also drop
us a note. why is it the 2nd tee? the first design was released
for christmas '02 - only 20 were given out to friends and family.
this is it
| go vacant
| talk to us
01 |
