rob abeyta, jon asher, bast, bigfoot,
karla calderon, kevin carney, david choe, vanessa colvin, cycle,
lori d., andy davis, lance de los reyas, deth p. sun, faile, amanda
ayala fairey, shepard fairey, heather feemster, jeremy fish, paul
frank, freddi c., randy gaetano, beth grinberg, green lady, conan
hayes, maya hayuk, mark heggie, hersk, logan hicks, logan hicks,
derrick hogson, andy howell, human 5, jo jackson, rich jacobs, james
jarvis, chris johanson, bryce kanights, natas kaupas, narangkar
khalsa, dave kinsey, caia koopman, jeremy lanningham, jen larkin,
tony larson, michael leon, andy loy, mike lucena, molly marcotulli,
sue martori, geoff mcfetridge, craig metzger, lance mountain, mike
nelson, byron o'neil, matt owens, eun-ha peak, erika petryszyn,
chris pew, random, allison renshaw, kenn sakurai, tania sanhueza,
saviour sanquiche, shelter serra, damion silver, site, skwerm, scott
andrew snyder, tod swank, jeff soto, damon soule, ed templeton,
thomas campbell, tofer, sharon tomlin, john trippe, paul urich,
alex valich, benjamin weiner, jeff wiesner, chris yormick, yogi
more here
29 |
quick update to let you know that the
new book c10 by kaws is now available for online order. in the us
we found it at turntablelab, in the uk/europe it's sold at magma.
also, the deadline for the preorder of the kaws be@rbrick at zakka
is today. and for those of you who can't get enough kaws, head over
to arkitip for a set of ltd. edition pillows.
c10 us
| c10 europe
| zakka |
27 |
the 't-shirt club' is a project started
by the avalanches down in australia. they call it a magazine you
wear. why? because there are 12 issues - one for the girls, one
for the boys - each month, done by different guest editors. this
month it's walter van beirendonck's turn for the guys and josh petherick's
for the ladies. the 100 t-shirts produced are only available for
one month only and won't be re-released. contributors in the past:
paul frank & geoff mcfetridge, contributors in the future: ?
you need to check yourself - regularely. before we close this bit
- any proceeds of the sales go to charity.
t-shirt club
present/past | the avalanches website
24 |
this is becoming some sort of a regluar
bit on bghd - parkwalk. in addition to what we have shown you earlier
on, parkwalk in the uk have just received a couple new t-shirts.
great designs, as always, and they also have in stock a few tees
with the original logo design. this should be familiar to those
of you who regularely study james lavelle's one page feature 'ltd.
edt.' in relax magazine. if you're a tall person, you can save some
$$$ on items in the clearout sale. for details use the parkwalk
contact link below.
parkwalk tees
| parkwalk contact
21 |
another strange development in sneaker-business:
european stores are receiving japanese ltd. colors by nike. and
we're not talking grey market deals here. so what is that all about?
are those colors still 'japanese ltd.' or 'euro-japanese ltd.'?
are the japanese no longer interested in their ltd. colors, so that
they ship their stuff over to europe...? whatever. the colors are
nice, the shoes are ltd., the models are among our favorites. so
who cares. the shoes we're about to show you are available from
the finest stores on this planet and online: rivington club, foot-patrol,
browns, sneakersnstuff, streethreds, apartment, chapter, etc.
bghd picks
... still working on our first 'true'
feature. while this is still in progress, take a look at some pictures
from ryan mcginness' show 'sign age' which took place almost a year
ago in munich at galerie de miguel.
16 |
at beinghunted, we try to give you people
hints on what to buy, what to read, where to go, and what to see.
some of you follow that, some of you don't. this time you should
all listen. get relax #68! after a very dry period comes an issue
you'll like: there is a huge feature on slam city skates with details
on everyone who is involved with it, or has some sort of connection
to it (j. jarvis, oeuf, silasandmaria, 176, parkwalk, etc.). when
you're finished translating that part, head to the fashion a-z and
get your pen and paper ready: supreme figures, kaws be@rbrick, old
school hip hop clothing, etc. your list will go on and on. ok, since
we still owe you the cover for #67 - here is that one, too.
relax #67
| relax #68
12 |
space invader is hitting perth with an
exhibit in october. fourskin - singapore is the sponsor for t-shirts
and prints. check their site regularely for updates on the show
and the availability of the tees. to get you going, bghd is proud
to present the design a bit in advance. always remember where you
saw it first.
see it first
| go to fourskin
| info on the show
11 |
you live in the us? you like small toys?
kaws x medicom does ring your bell? good, then read on. zakka corp./nyc
is taking preorders for two versions of the kaws be@rbrick - the
400% and 1000%. you need to get your order in by sept. 27th. shipment
is expected for late november. you're still reading this?
preorder here
from time to time, we feature some new
(at least new to us) names in art & graphic design. today, take
some time to get to know neuheus. you'll need it because the site
features tons of artwork, photography, adverts, logos, fonts, etc.
you will recognize some imagery from arkitip, some of the adverts,
and maybe even those 3 skateboard designs that are currently on
show at the separations exhibit in philadelphia. excellent photography,
as well (basement jaxx, squarepusher, etc.).
preview neuhues
| the full effect
last time, everyone was waiting for the
midtowns. now, even more people are camping outside of supreme to
get their hands on the supreme dunk. we told you the release date
was the 3rd. sorry, for those of you who flew over there just for
the day. they are still not on sale. check back for an update -
or go to ebay. they'll probably appear there in less than 2 hrs
after they sell out at the stores.
10 |
for the giants in the sneaker business
it's no big deal to put out a new model every month or new colorways
every week or so. now imagine yourself doing this all by yourself.
doing the design, overseeing the production, checking samples, and
finally, also doing all the sales. you think that this is impossible?
it's not. jason bass does all of the above and the result is incredible.
you might find the style of these sneakers familiar, but the materials
and colors definetly stand out. not to mention the attention to
detail - each pair (204 per colorway) comes in a box w/ clear lid,
shoulder bag, and a hand-numbered certificate of ownership. the
first two models in the series - sf and nyc - will be available
at true in sf early september. for more details contact jb directly.
you want these
| you need to contact jb
04 |
posting this will probably make us irrelevant
but maybe you'll keep coming back for non-related sneaker news/shopping
hints. foot-patrol london was one of the most anticipated shop openings
this year. for sneaker addicts that is. if you are familiar with
the 'who' and - most importantly - the 'what' than you also know
the 'why' - why the world was in need of this sneaker specialty
store, why you won't stop being a sneaker addict, and why we are
saying all this. you don't know why? check their brand new website.
if you see something you like - email for availability and shipping
options. and: please come back!
see pictures
| follow this
this is one of the few bits without a
link or pictures. however, since you're all hardworking folks out
there who have to 'apply' for a few days off way in advance, you
should read on. hideout, gimme 5, foot-patrol, and james lavelle
are bringing kaws to london for a one week exhibition - starting
october 21st. also in october: bathing ape store opening &
hideout with new interior and gear. ok, take october off or call
in sick. anything to declare? do go to london!
03 |
we ended last month with t-shirts, we'll
start this month with t-shirts. with their website update, lodown
also opened ldwn shop which offers an exquisit selection of garments,
sneakers, and accessories. just in time for the last sunny days,
they brought in new stock: 3 new t-shirt designs by marok, pact,
and shandro. but please remember this when you're shopping at lodown:
don't get carried away. you'll still need money for food and maybe
a warm jacket for winter!
see pictures
| buy here
this is the beinghunted fall/winter '02
website update. while we're enjoying the last days of summer, the
new season is just about to begin. you might have noticed that the
last couple of weeks were a bit slow in general. but that's ok -
one should definetly spend as much time outside, as one can. it
will get cold/rainy/foggy soon enough - at least in our part of
the world. as you can see, the new site has an area called 'feature'.
here we'll give you more detailed information on the regular bghd
subjects. we are currently working on the first piece - until then,
check our photos from the nyc urban experience museum.
any comments ? |
