Boris Tellegen at Galleri Jonas Kleerup / 3.6. - 4.7.2010
Boris Tellegen (aka Delta) will be showing some new works at Galleri Jonas Kleerup in Stockholm from this coming Thursday until July 4th. If you are in Stockholm, stop by!
We are very happy to announce the opening of Firmament at its new location in Berlin. On May 12th the next stage for us begins at an incredible building in the heart of Berlin. If you are around, please come to visit us between 16:00 and 21:00 on Wednesday or during our regular opening hours from Friday onwards:
Firmament | Linienstrasse N°40 | 10119 Berlin
Grand opening on May 12th with an innovation showcase by Nike Stadium at Firmament featuring Apparat & Phon.O + Pfadfinderei.
As long as I don't have time to get myself involved in this project I'd rather not see the great furniture that's out there. I read about this sideboard from Wrongwoods a little while ago but had forgotten about it. Which was a good thing as I can't concern myself with apartment hunting or spending money on moving/furniture at this point. Now that a friend of mine came back from Milan with the Established & Sons catalogue, however, she revived that memory. And now it's stuck... damn it.
For a few days now I have been trying to figure out a master plan that involves a) a new apartment b) getting rid of a lot of stuff c) getting new furniture one by one. I know that sideboards aren't the most important of pieces in a flat but... I need that one and I'm sure I'll find a good argument for it somehow!