Ace Hotel - New York & Palm Springs
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Portland, USA    
Ryan from Ace just emailed us some information about their new projects in New York and Palm Springs:

"We are doing some great collaborations for the NYC hotel including partnering with SMEG Refrigerators to create "maxi bars" in many of the deluxe rooms and a special curated music selection from Other Music at the front desk including CDs and Vinyl for the guests to purchase. We are also working on some product collaborations that include custom Pendleton blankets and a boxing-robe-meets-hooded-
sweatshirt made specially for the Ace Hotel New York by Wings and Horns."
  While both hotels won't open before 2009 Ace offers two ways for you to make sure you can experience their brand new spots as one of the first: a) you make your reservation now b) you get a job working for Ace.

Stay tuned for more info once the two new Aces are ready...

Text: Beinghunted
Drawings: © Ace Hotel / Roman and Williams. All rights reserved.

More info and contact information on Ace's website:

Ace Hotel