Into the Wild
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If you have read the book by Jon Krakauer, you will know that this story will not come to a happy end. All during his trip that takes him from the wheat fields of South Dakota, down the Colorado River, up the coast of California and all the way to Alaska, Christopher McCandless is in search of happiness. He walks away from a secure life that lies ahead of him, but due to his troubled family history doesn't seem right to pursue. Instead he is trying to get away from society - as far as possible, taking the most extreme measures - giving up all his savings as well as ID, social security number - everything that ties him to a 'normal' life.

It seems very surprising that someone as young as Christopher McCandless - who was only 22 years old when he began his trip - had developed such strong feelings against the society that we was a part of. Eveything that most people strive for - wealth and possessions, even family - he gives up to look for adventure, all by himself without any distractions, limitations, or commitments.

Ridding oneself of what appears to be a burden for Christopher might seem impossible to the viewer at first glance. Watching him find a way around society and into nature is the more surprising when everything appears to be working out for him. Whether as a matter of luck, or because of his intelligence (and education) Christopher manages and

as drastic as his measures seem in the beginning, his trip actually appears to have been very rewarding: the adventures, the friends he met along his way, the incredible landscapes and sceneries he came through.

This movie is quite rewarding and even an eye-opener of some sort. Here is someone who actually follows through with an idea that many of us might have woken up to one morning - to get rid of all of the 'stuff', not to be getting any more... finding a different 'pursuit of happiness'. Unfortunately, however, it is Christopher's inexperience or youthful carelessness that puts an end to his adventure. He went too far too quickly and by shutting off completely also barred his rescue and way back to society. It is not as easy as he wants it to be...

Into the Wild is an amazing movie which takes the viewer out of the seat and into the wilderness. The cinematography is simply beautiful as much as the story is tragic. A great movie to watch and think about...

Text: Jörg Haas | Stills: © Paramount Vantage. All rights reserved.

Into the Wild has been released in theaters in the US on September 21st, 2007, and worldwide in January 2008.

For more information visit: Into the Wild