TNT Recordings - Beinghunted |
Berln, Germany It has been a pleasure working with Fetisch this summer - and Carsten Fock - on our installation for Firmament. Luckily, we were able to extend this project a bit further and on the right you can see another 'product' that came out of this relationship - the TNT Beinghunted Compilation. Fetisch hand-picked a number of tunes from previous and current projects to be put on this pormotional CD. Lined up are: Lottergirls, Kaos, Snax, Rampa, Skiba, amongst others. Carsten Fock himself sat down, once again, to design the packaging. You can choose between two illustrations on the actual CD or collect both. We show you one design in our slides, what the other one looks like is for you to find out. Thanks to Fetisch and Carsten. More from TNT / Beinghunted soon... -- Text: Beinghunted | Graphics: © C. Fock. All rights reserved. |
The TNT Beinghunted compilation is available at our store Firmament as well as from TNT - or if you happen to run into Fetisch, you might get one, too... TNT Recordings Carsten Fock |