Bootcamp Magazine No.1 |
Tokyo, Japan The package from Japan took us a bit by surprise. When Motoki Mizuguchi - the man behind this publication - had visited Berlin with renowned photographer JFKK to shoot the current campaign for Base Control he had mentioned this new project to us at the side. That it would only take him a few weeks to put it all together - from curating the contributor's work, to designing, printing and distributing the magazine is quite astounding. This first issue features works by photographers JFKK, Kenny (Madhectic), Keisuke Nagoshi, Kabo, and Takuro Usui. Without any introductory- or editorial texts whatsoever, the magazine solely lets the pictures speak. You will find that the different sets all communicate in various tones, whether it'd be more quiet for the Berlin set, or more energetic and raw for the "A Day In The Life" series. It is a thematical up-and-down in expression. Thanks to Motoki for sending us Bootcamp Magazine! We are already looking forward to the new issue! -- Text: BGHD | Images: © Bootcamp Magazine |
Bootcamp Magazine No.1 is available for free from Firmament, Berlin and various other locations globally. Bootcamp Magazine Modesign |