...to a celebration of football, to the celebration of Brazilian football,
Brazilian culture, Brazilian sports tradition!
The game of football is played around the world. As a professional
sport in huge stadiums or as a recreational activity just anywhere
where there is space available. Thus there are two stories to be told.
With Joga Bonito Nike tells us many stories, about football, about
people, about culture.
One of the most succesful and also most beloved teams in the world
is that of Brazil. While their athletic skills have brought Brazil
five World Championship titles ('58, '62, '70, '90, '02) it is this
special style, this playful and joyful treatment of the ball which
is admired and revered around the globe.
Joga Bonito provides us with a view on the cultural roots of Brazilian
football and sports heritage as interpreted and documented by a group
of diverse individuals from the fields of art, music, and, of course,
Beinghunted was invited to accompany Joga Bonito in its new arena
in Berlin, Germany – host to the 2006 Football Wold Cup. Over
the following weeks, our featured presentation will grow steadily
with new content on the various aspects of Joga Bonito. In our first
segment we are visiting the location in Berlin, we'll show the set-up
stages and we are taking a closer look at the products launched at
the opening.
Use the navigation at the top-right to move between segments. Use
the arrows at the bottom-right to view the slides.
Enjoy and play beautiful! |