
What are your pastime activities?
Hanging about pointlessly for hours on end in bars and clubs.

What are your 5 most beloved items at the moment?
A Jeff Koons Blue Balloon Dog from an edition of 2300. I had it shipped over from the States. The surface is fantastically mirror-like. You cant touch it with anything AT ALL or it leaves a mark. On the rare occasions I take it out of its box I feel compelled to rub my face all over it.

I found this drawing of a computer chip on ebay. The sellers other work was all of faithfully rendered horses heads.

I have an aquarium full of shrimps. They breed prolifically and I sell them on ebay, building up my paypal account to buy drawings.

The first Smiths single ‘Hand in Glove’. Aged 15, that song, this cover. Bliss.

This is a real skull. It’s very good to be reminded of your own mortality plus it’s the most stunning piece of sculpture imaginable.