Past - Present - Future

Would you compromise for a business deal?
I guess a company would only approach me if they liked my stuff as it is… there are plenty of other people out there who can make toys ‘to order’. I suppose someone might say ‘we want to make 1000 Bum figures but you have to give him pants’. But that would be pointless, his raison d’etre is his butt.

It’s quite possible that someone might come to me and say ‘we like this but we think it would be better if you changed such and such’, and they could be right. I made some plasticine DJs for The Face magazine some years ago. All their comments about the prototypes were absolutely spot on and the pieces ended up being all the better for their input.

Really at the moment I feel in a very lucky position, earning enough money from freelance graphics and a bit of teaching to survive without having to rely on my 3D stuff. So my figures are totally uncompromised and exactly how I like them.

What figure are you working at the moment?
A three legged hermaphrodite. This was inspired by a wooden hermaphrodite sculpture by a wonderful American self-taught artist called Sulton Rogers. I went to see him a few years ago and bought this piece. He died in 2003.