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What is the first toy which your remember
from your childhood?
From childhood I have always loved Egyptian art. Their figures
combine elegance, sex, and mysticism so powerfully. When I was 7 my
Dad bought me a 12” reproduction metal pharaoh on a throne from
an antique shop. He had a nice strong chest and arms. He wasn’t
really a toy and made me feel rather grown up having him. The strange
thing was, years later my granddad saw this figure, looked on the
back and found out from the inscription that it had been presented
to a relative of his for building a dam in Egypt in the 30’s.
Somehow the figure had ended up back in the family. Kind of fitted
in with general Egyptian weird happenings. I also used to make primitive
wooden robots and loved taking apart toy daleks to get to the little
plastic record that made them speak.
Was there anything that your parents didn’t
want you to play with?
I grew up in a house absolutely crammed to bursting point
with stuff: pictures, books, old newspapers, unwatched video cassettes,
punctured gum boots, rotting fruit. My Dad had several whole rooms
that I wasn’t allowed into at all unless he was there. One room
downstairs was devoted to his live animals: reptiles and amphibians.
His attic workroom was ringed by shelves with row after row of toy
soldiers and second world war kit aeroplanes. Both these places held
a magnetic attraction.
What did you want to be as a grown-up?
I wanted to be Dr Who and I’m very glad I’m not. |