Sunday, 11th |

Bike. The Shadow Consipracy / I:M
As the year approaches the final days the news-flow does not seem to be drying out. For this update we've combined to bits - one from LA and the other from Sydney.
When EM let the word out about the The Shadow Conspiracy & Invisible:Man custom built cruiser their phone- and eMail-wires turned a glowing red. No surprise, really, as two highly reputable factions teamed up to create this unique bike. We've noticed that in the past months a new section for 'collection' slowly but gradually opened up - bikes: Be.Bikes - Kaws, Futura, HAZE... and now this one. Combine that with the 'usual' sneakers, toys, clothing, etc. and we'll all be bankrupt in no time.

Retail. SUPPLY
Supply - this store was one of the first to be featured on Beinghunted. It was around the time when the Kostas Hulk figures came out... seems like ages now. The store has just moved into a history building from the 1850s, a former 'wooden box manufacturer' (specializing in coffins, actually). While renovating the space the original interior was kept intact as much as possible to create a warm and welcoming retail environment. See the slides for an 'old' view of the bulding as well as the new S/supply.