Monday, 30th

Retail. Livestock

With this review, we officially declare the month of August the 'Vancouver month'. First was Visuall, then came Richard Kidd, and today we have Livestock. After hosting the Devilock art show, the folks of Livestock hardly had time to loose to ship the artworks over to Tokyo (the show will be on display at the BAPE gallery) and get their store empty... so they could fill it right up again.

Livestock, you must know, is not a gallery in the first place. It is a store for premium footwear and merchandise closely affiliated with this kind of dress-code - T-shirts, Sweatshirts, etc. With your spying glasses you might be able to recognize a few of the distinct logos/designs on the garments in our pictures.

On the opening night 500+ people showed up... had a good time and cleared out the spot? Possible, but we're sure that with the steady flow of new sneakers and the current development towards sneaker-casual-hybrid styles, this store will be well stocked, we're sure.

This bit wraps it up for our look at Vancouver this month. You take a look at our pictures of Livestock (by Chris Allen) now and book a flight right after.

Tuesday, 24th

Gaming. Pax Athletica

Today's review is about something immaterial - completely digital. It takes us to a sphere that is a bit off from our regular course but fascinating nonetheless - mobile gaming. For people who grew up with Nintendo's Game & Watch or a C-64 and never managed the transition into the high-res world of consoles, stations, and boxes this, genre could offer a safe haven. Due to lower processing power and limited graphic capabilities these games seem more suitable for oldschool players (who, by the way, don't see anything amusing in being beat by 6 year olds...).

Pax Athletica will remind you of 1980s classics such as Decathlon or Summer Games, however, the story behind it is far more complicated and definitely more intellectual?! You will take up the role of one of eight figures from Olympic history to relive/revive some of the games' most important athletic moments. It's not all about pushing those (tiny) buttons now... it's also about getting to know the past...

Check out the official website which will set you in the mood for the game with it's pixelated characters and find out how to download it onto your mobile device. Oh, and there are some material goods to pick up, too.

Monday, 23rd

Retail. Richard Kidd - Vancouver

The name 'Richard Kidd' was mentioned on a number of occasions during the past few weeks. It's about time to take a closer look at this outstanding retail spot in Vancouver/Canada. The store, which opened last April, is located in the city's oldest neighbourhood - Gastown - which has been undergoing a substantial renovation phase.

Examinig the pictures, one can tell that the store actually occupies an empty space between two historic brick buildings. With the help of glass, steel, and concrete this former parking lot was transformed into a store which can easily compete with (and beat?) retail spaces in Tokyo, Los Angeles, or New York - where a painting or projection is the closest you can get to having a mountain view...

Richard Kidd's 6,000 square feet, spread over two floors, showcase a selection of high quality clothing by labels such as APC, Comme des Garçons, Number (N)ine, or Wings & Horns, shoes by Tricker's and accessories like vintage Rolex watches and custom-made jewellery by White Trash Charms. Not one label that you like? Ok, in one of the earlier photographs that we have seen, one could also spot box-logo gear...

Richard Kidd
Monday, 16th

Art/Sculpture. Drastic Plastic Trains

Graffiti in the sense of spraycan art has long surpassed the state where people had thought of it as a short-lived fad. This art movement has been going on for over 30 years now and is growing still. While before it was a street/underground activity, Graffiti has established itself as an artform to be presented in art galleries and glossy art books.

A great part of the early NYC Graffiti culture died with the introduction of the stainless steel subway cars that replaced the old cars that were discolored and rotten - a result also of the harsh chemicals used during mayor Ed Koch's anti-Graffiti campaign "The Buff". All of the 1980s masterpieces were destroyed during that period and painting trains never recovered from this backlash.

As a hommage to these earlier days of Graffiti, Drastic Plastic from Brooklyn have worked hard to re-create the original NYC subway cars - in miniature, for oldschool and newschool writers to bomb on. The 21' trains come in halves so you can hang them up on your wall or to snap two together to make one complete train. Watch out for more details from Drastic Plastic in October and buy the SEEN train at Toy Tokyo now.

Drastic Plastic
Sales inquiries
Tuesday, 10th

Monthly. Relax #91

This new issue of Relax comes in (almost all) black and white, with the greatest part of the content being printed on the yellow paper that you'll usually find in the back. The purpose of this is unclear - seems like an extended version of the fab! section.

The opening spreads show (color)photographs of swimming pools in Californian residential areas by Taro Hirano. It is an introduction to the following feature on pool skating. Keeping with the California theme, Relax then takes a closer look at the Beach Boys and their Pet Sounds album. You could have aniticpated this story from looking at James Jarivs' cover illustration which is a depiction/variation of the album cover photograph. If you had been looking for the Japanese translation of "Sloop John B." - there you have it...

T.U.R.D. (Tokyo Ugly Rich Designers) is the subject for travelogue 59. You'll get to see images from San Francisco and Los Angeles and read comments by the people in charge of projects like w)taps, SOPH., Tenderloin, Mister Hollywood or Ships. If you can...

#91 - a bit more difficult than your average Relax but still worth the while.

Thursday, 5th

Expo. Richard Kidd, Devilock, Livestock - Visuall

While in some of the proclaimed style capitals of the world the 'makers and shakers' seem to have confined to chatting about themselves and what's cool and what's not, people in other cities are actually doing things to build a reputation for excellent retailing and exhibitions. Berlin is definitely on the upwards move, as well as some of the Asian metropolisses as Singapore or Bangkok.

Vancouver is not really a fresh mark on our map, however, with the new retail space by the people behind Twenty04 and Made Magazine - Richard Kidd this mark has just gained importance. For their current show "Visuall", R.K. teamed up with Devilock and the host of this show, Livestock, to accumulate pieces by a list of artists that can hardly be matched/beaten... Skatething, Pushead, Jakuan, SSUR, Kaws, Futura, to name only a few.

What you get to see is not some material out of the artists' archives but pieces that were produced for and are related to Devilock. Since we all know that attending a show without getting something is half the fun, Richard Kidd and Devilock had T-shirts and the new toys by SSUR - specifically produced for this show - for sale. We will have a very small number of these items available in the BGHD Shop shortly. Contact us for more info.

Tuesday, 3rd

Venture. Vänskap

If it had not been for Vänskap - actually this email from Helsinki this morning - we would have stayed out in the sun for the rest of August. While at first we suspected another of these hand-scribbled-twisted-art-school-message-t-shirt projects, Vänskap didn't need long to convince us of the complete opposite.

These guys rock! And without dwelling on superlatives here - they have some of the most intelligent, humorous graphics on the(ir) market right now. You open the site, you don't expect anything (except for the hand-scribbled...) and then they hit you with a puppy. Ok. Fine. What else is there. Sure, sure, you hit "Products".

"Morrisey wears a wig" - soso-funny. But that dog in the back? We're getting there. A puppy in the shower. Yes, better. A sleeping cat in the back. Need more. A guinea pig? And then that fake leather bear face? Go on... Teenage caveman? Hello? Bunnies? Shoplifters United? What are these kids on. Can we order that someplace online? What put us to the ground immediately was the "Toys" section. With that "Talk to the hand - Tool for arguing" you could entertain millions for hours. Vänskap - thanks for your site, your artwork, your products. Now feed those pets!

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