23rd - Apr. 4th Meskine 55: "The true son of the Wind" at Royalcheese. Royalcheese Feb. 27th - Apr. 12th Cole Gerst of option-g "Inkling" at L Salon/LA. Option-G Feb. 6th - Mar. 26th Rich Jacobs: What Instrument Do You Play? at 222gallery/ Philadelphia. 222gallery Feb. 7th - Apr. 15th John Waters: Change of Life at the New Museum/ NYC. New Museum Mar. 1st alife and Cone Denim present "All Most Famous" (photos by Kai Regan) release party at BLVD (199 Bowery)/NYC. Mar. 5th - Apr. 2nd Tats Cru: The Mural Kings at Brooklyn Industries/Soho, NYC Opening Fri., Mar. 5th, 7 to 11 Brooklyn Industries Mar. 11th - Apr. 5th "Yo! What happened to Peace?" moves to Punch Gallery/SF. Opening Thurs., Mar. 11th, 7 to 12 Punch Gallery Mar. 12th - Mar. 31st Russian Doll show curated by Eddie Martinez goes to Boston Green Street Gallery Mar. 13th - May 23rd "Beautiful Losers: Contemporary Art and Urban Street Culture" in Cincinatti. Contemporary Art Center Mar. 25th "God Made Dirt, and Dirt Don't Hurt" by David Chong Lee (cover illustation by JB) book release at Levi's Union Square/SF. Ginko Press |