30-07 |
out fit goods up for auction
- now... |
league. take a look at ryan's work. wouldn't you like to see his designs
on t-shirts, decks, etc.?... |
katie and
mike, tado, wow.
we need to do a bigger piece on them. but before too much time passes, check
tado now... |
cody hudson updates his site: struggle
inc.. damn, when will we overcome the 72dpi standard... |
29-07 |
artis series: dc + phil frost + arkitip = you need to have... |
another gun on the cover of this
site. but only one to be found on their shirts. go find it... |
tucker nichols and david khoury are house-sitting at pindeldyboz... |
lots of guns on their
site - and their shirts. but if that kid is only carrying a toy pistol
maybe the other weapons aren't lethal, either... |
26-07 |
pretty much everyone knows by now that the stussy huaraches
have dropped. what you might not know is that some dutch accounts also got
them. 90sqm for example... |
23-07 |
wood wood
still proudly presents henry chalfant. hurry, only 2 more days to go... |
20-07 |
if you are going here,
there will be no way back. you will get stuck and you will 'want' a lot.
see example... |
chris hall = sneakers. do you want to know more? harlemdigital... |
18-07 |
do you want to see these teams play soccer: alife, supreme,
the fader, tokion, psyop, etc.? fanatic
redux... |
15-07 |
has alife's jest kubrick. nice packaging... |
14-07 |
frances castle looks over caper
street. meet her fosterlings... |
12-07 |
are we reading
this wrong, or is this shirt missing a 'g' somewhere?... |
10-07 |
piece here is incredible. if you have seen anything like it before tell
us: where, when, and by whom it was produced... |
cody hudson told us about 'geographically speaking' now he
sent some schnaps... |
josh petherick was at ourspot. we weren't but someone took
pictures for
us... |
james woodring and strangeco. have teamed up to bring this
to life... |
is brand new. so are the 4 ltd. prints by cody hudson, evan hecox, derek
lerner, and kimou meyer... |
08-07 |
how soon is 'soon'?... |
new stuff at footprintsinthesnow.
posters, postcards, work on paper... |
larry clark's new film 'ken park' is banned in australia.
guess what's screening tonight at f4 (level 2, hub arcade, 318 little collins
St.) in melbourne... |
noah butkus - the man behind the mysterious velvet touch
- is showing
at premium goods in brooklyn... |
07-07 |
is kenzo minami a dj or a graphic designer? find out at 'spin'
at the soho grand hotel in nyc tonight... |
05-07 |
are you still looking for quickstrike nikes - af1 carnivals,
blazers, city knives ii. don't look any further... |
04-07 |
rocks well. very well... |
03-07 |
if you are quick you can still catch the opening of josh
petherick's show at our
spot in sydney... |
le shop et la fabrique presentent: bradley
theodor... |
90 square
meters in amsterdam will celebrate the arrival of JB classics on july
9th... |
in glasgow just received 5 styles of JB classics... |
comic heads out there: don't miss this date - 'league day'
on saturday july 5th. why? read
this... |
02-07 |
the kids at st.
lukes have an excellent taste for clothing. and they are only ~ 7 years
old... |
01-07 |
this would definitely be worth a lot more writing. but we'll
do that when the time is right. let these
do the talking for now... |
milk and hk-kicks.com put together a lot of jordans. here
are some pics (thanks)... |
crownfarmer has new crownfarmer t-shirts - the july edition.
go to crownfarmer
now... |